Thursday, February 7, 2019

Are there still Democrats who value life?

This week I was told to F*^# Off and called a Russian Bot on Facebook. I am being slammed with ads from the Democratic Party. Don't know why except I am still in California so they figure I am automatically a Democrat. I'm not. I was at one time but saw the light. Anyway, I no longer engage with people on the sites but simply type in #walkaway.

The #Walkaway Campaign.  is a diverse group of patriots who are trying to get Democrats to walk away from the Democratic Party. There are now more than 400,000 people dedicated to this effort. There are groups in all the states taking directions from the founder Brandon Straka, who walked away with a video that went viral. The group consists of all races, all genders, all ages, and all sexual preferences. There are even those who don't support President Trump or the Republican Party. What we all have in common is the belief in the Constitution, freedom, and the way of life this country was built on. And even more, there is no division in the group despite our varied backgrounds and lifestyles.

That being said, the purpose of this post is to ask if there are any Democrats who think that a 3rd trimester abortion is murder? It seems to me that there have to be Democrats who still value life. And if you think that murdering infants is wrong, why would you support a party that celebrated by cheering in New York with the law they passed allows them to kill the infant up to the minute it is born? It's big news in Virginia where they want to keep an infant, who was just born, comfortable until they decide if they want it and if not, kill it. What kind of monsters are these people?

The Democrats are crying about the loss of "reproductive rights". What reproductive rights? If you want to reproduce, do so. If you don't, use some form of birth control. Don't let a baby go full term so you can kill it. If you want an abortion, do it early, sparing the life you are destroying a horrible death. I believe abortion is murder from the time of conception but that belief is between me and my God so I only share what I believe. But please, have a heart. There are plenty of people who would love to have your child. Make the right decision. And, walkaway from the Democratic Party is you believe that these kinds of abortions are murder. The Democratic Party will not change their position.

And no, I do not discuss issues of rape or other conditions that threaten the mother's life. That is a decision that can only be made by the mother.