Tuesday, July 26, 2016

DNC Breaks Federal Law

DNC breaks federal law. What strikes me most about this issue is the smug disregard of federal law and parading illegal immigrants on the stage of the DNC. It's an in-your-face assault on American values and principles that we are trying to hold onto.

I have not done a very good job of maintaining my cool in this election. I watch while my rights are taken away and the so-called rights of the illegal immigrants are pushed to the front. I'm sorry, I thought American Citizens had rights and others had to become a citizen to enjoy the same rights. Guess I was wrong.

It's not good enough anymore. I will be buying guns outside of California from private parties so I won't have to register them. I will be buying ammo outside of California and bringing it back so I don't have to register it. I am putting up an 8 foot fence. I am getting a wind generator. I am growing our food and canning it, just in case.

If Hillary wins, I am prepared for what may happen. I don't care about what happens to the illegal immigrants. I just know that in the area where we live, 90% of the people are here illegally. Here's my thoughts for them. When you vote illegally and put Hillary in office, stay away from my home when the SHTF.  We will be armed and there are four of us ready to protect our home and our lives. At that point, none of us will have rights and it will be a free-for-all.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Pedophiles as a "sexual orientation"

In the article regarding, Equal rights for pedophiles, it describes the movement to make being a pedophiles a "sexual orientation" and remove the penalties and stigma of preferring children. This has been made possible by the laws passed by the LBGT community. As is mentioned in the article, this is a slippery slope. 

God has been removed from our country. With no God, there is no morality. Our world is doomed. When a country has God as the backbone, children are safe. They are protected by the adults around them from those who would do them harm. 

If you don't see how this works, take morality. It's now OK to visit the restroom you feel is right for you. If the pedophiles get their way, it will be OK for them to go to parks and schools where they can get their fill of watching which ever younger sex they prefer. Some parents might be fine with that but they are probably the progressive ones who don't mind sharing a restroom with an transgendered person. 

In a moral world, boys are boys and girls are girls. There is no third sex. In a moral world, pedophiles are kept away from children they might harm. Sex used to be something that was between a husband and a wife. We've already lost that battle because sex in the media is prevalent and available every day. No marriage is required, no commitment is required. It is just something you do because you feel like it. 

And that might be the root of the problem. Morality is the difference between what's right and our baser instincts (what we want). I want a million dollars but I am not going to rob a bank to get it. Morally, that's wrong. The "I want" has taken over the "what's morally right". Now that there is no God to fall back on in the search for right and wrong, the "I want" wins. 

What a sad day when you realize that there are enough of us to stand up and say enough while knowing that it will never happen because we have removed God from our country, our world, and are too afraid to stand up in his name. 

Friday, May 20, 2016

Speak English

One upon a time in a past long forgotten, immigrants arriving at Ellis Island were detained if they were not able to speak English. That might have been over-kill but served to inform all that this was the United States of America where everyone learned to assimilate. My family did not arrive at Ellis Island, they came long before that, fleeing the tyranny of England. However, like every other immigrant family, they learned the language and became part of the fabric of America.

Today, we no longer have immigrants who assimilate. We have immigrants who demand we bend to their will. English in our part of the country is not the spoken language. I get calls daily with the caller assuming I am Spanish speaking. I called a local doctor's office to make an appointment and was greeted in Spanish. All the signs in the stores are in English and Spanish. My voter ballot is in English and Spanish. I have to press "1" to continue in English.

So along comes an English speaking Mexican man who wants to buy a custard at Leon's Frozen Custard, a family-owned business that opened in 1942. Ron Schneider said that they have always required their employees to speak English. He is being called a racist because his staff is not allowed to speak Spanish in the store.  

Here's what I think...

1. Mexican in not a race, it is a nationality. Mexicans are considered "white". Therefore, if they want to call names, he is a nationalist.

2. It's his business. He can make his own rules. If the "Mexicans" don't like it, don't buy custard there. I don't use the doctor who speaks in Spanish only. They are actually discriminating against me, refusing to speak in English but they don't want my business and that's fine. I have other choices.

3. Back to my original point. This is America where immigrants (including my family) learned the language, learned to work together, and built this country. The new immigrants do not join our society. They do not work to keep this country growing. They have turned our portion of the country into a third-world country where our laws are ignored. When code enforcement or any other authority figure try to force them to obey the laws, they are called racist and the whining starts again.

4. Leon's is a privately held, family-owned business that has survived a long time in our economy. They are probably immigrants too. Good for the Schneider family for holding on to their business principles. I will certainly be stopping there.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Contrails and Chemtrails

I find myself angry every time I look at the sky. It starts out blue but by mid-morning, it begins to fill with white trails streaking across the sky. By late afternoon, they have blocked the sun and I can no longer tell if the white in the sky is a real weather event or man-made. 

This is not covered by the media but as more planes leave trails, I can't believe that no one will acknowledge their participation. We've heard that air traffic has increased so there are more contrails. Air traffic that flies sided by side filling the sky? Air traffic that makes cross patterns? Air traffic that is visible to us little folks on the ground? Contrails dissipate. Cemtrails linger and spread. It's almost as if the powers that be are snubbing their noses at us. 

In the last month, it has gotten worse. The sun is blocked almost everyday now and I have a garden that needs sun. I am afraid of what they are spraying in the sky. There are a lot of conspiracy theories so you are free to take your pick. Just type in chemtrails and you will find lots of information. 

The Bible tells us that we are to care for the earth. That is not a global statement, it is meant for each and everyone of us. 

Genesis 1:26 “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”

Genesis 2:15 “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and keep it.”

My little space is my Garden of Eden. Believing I am responsible for caring for and maintaining my space, I do not harm the earth. My anger is directed towards those who willingly harm me and my garden. They harm the insects, the animals, and the people around me. 

I have to wonder how Jesus expects me to meet this challenge. Anger is probably not the correct response but today, I am mad. I am not a sheep to be lead to the slaughter for whatever purpose the chemtrails are meant to do. They are harming me and my earth. 

I know the end is near. All the signs are there. I know that whatever is going on is just the beginning of something awful. So today, I will go out and water my garden. I will enjoy the flowers and watch my vegetables grow for as long as the Lord allows. 

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Letter to my grandson, adopted at birth

Written in 2010, the letter to Gregory was never sent. Some of the events in our life have long ranging effects. Children make adult decisions as teenagers that change the direction of their lives and those of their parents. 


For more than 20 years I have wondered about you. You were my first grandchild and for most of your years, my only one. I can honestly say that I thought about you often and always wished the best for you.

I am sorry that your parents were young and dumb but we did offer to adopt you so long ago. Your biological mother made that impossible so we took the only picture of you we had and put it in a safe place. Think what you might, I always held out hope that we would meet you someday. You are part of the family.

I am happy that your biological mother has made it possible for you to find my son. I am sorry about all the nasty emails that were part of the process. Email is not the best way to deal with issues that are important. So much can be misunderstood.

Thank you for contacting my son with the wish to meet him. We know you are only interested in biological medical information but that’s a whole lot more than he had before. Your email to your biological father was greatly appreciated. You made it abundantly clear you were not interested in talking to me. I understand and hope that you will change your mind.

It is fair for you to think of your biological family as strangers. You are a stranger to us as well. It is hard to decide what to think. On one hand, you are family who was taken from us by a frightened, hateful child. On the other hand, you may have had a better life than we could have provided.

In the meantime, we have adopted our other grandson. He is a joy and the reason we have rearranged out lives. We love him completely as we would have loved you. He knows about you and family is important to him. He loves his uncle, your biological father, and spends time with him.

I just want you to know the door will always be open. We are just people, not special, not unique. If you choose not to meet me, that's OK since I have gone this long without knowing who or where you were. I will take your picture and put it back in a safe place. I have no intention of reaching out to you or attempting to disturb your life. If you change your mind I will welcome the contact. The choice is and always will be yours.
