Tuesday, July 26, 2016

DNC Breaks Federal Law

DNC breaks federal law. What strikes me most about this issue is the smug disregard of federal law and parading illegal immigrants on the stage of the DNC. It's an in-your-face assault on American values and principles that we are trying to hold onto.

I have not done a very good job of maintaining my cool in this election. I watch while my rights are taken away and the so-called rights of the illegal immigrants are pushed to the front. I'm sorry, I thought American Citizens had rights and others had to become a citizen to enjoy the same rights. Guess I was wrong.

It's not good enough anymore. I will be buying guns outside of California from private parties so I won't have to register them. I will be buying ammo outside of California and bringing it back so I don't have to register it. I am putting up an 8 foot fence. I am getting a wind generator. I am growing our food and canning it, just in case.

If Hillary wins, I am prepared for what may happen. I don't care about what happens to the illegal immigrants. I just know that in the area where we live, 90% of the people are here illegally. Here's my thoughts for them. When you vote illegally and put Hillary in office, stay away from my home when the SHTF.  We will be armed and there are four of us ready to protect our home and our lives. At that point, none of us will have rights and it will be a free-for-all.

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